Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Polar Vortex

POLAR VOTEX!?  Are you kidding me?  I live in Austin, Texas.  It should not (EVER) be 12 degrees in the morning.  To make it even worse (yes, it got worse for me) I was leaving the house at 4:30 a.m. to workout.  Now, people give me a hard time for working out at such an early hour (or late if you are a 20 something).  But, I really don't mind getting out of my warm, comfortable bed at such a crazy hour.  I have the best trainer in the world (www,marlowsfitness.com) and work out with an amazing group of women.  Because of of all of this, 4:30 a.m. is a time I look forward to.... except yesterday and today.  It is just TOO COLD!  In order to brave the cold I wore warm workout clothing (monogrammed, of course).  Here are some pictures of items that are similar to what I wore (mine are in the wash as I was too sweaty after the workout to try to take pictures).  Everyone needs a little personalization in their life!  Come see us at Party Cat or www.partycat.com to get your personalization on.  Stay warm and monogram on!

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