Seeing my name or my monogram on items makes me happy. I know that may sound a little self indulgent, however I don't care....I LOVE IT! I know I am not the only person that likes it, the personalization business has gained popularity over the past few years. In fact, it is virtually impossible to go anywhere these days and not see something personalized; hats, shirts, jackets, bags, napkins, pillow cases, towels and soap. Yes, I said soap. I have personalized bars of soap in my guest house. Each guest that takes a shower gets greeted by a new bar of soap with their family name engraved into the soap. Everyone loves it. In fact, a few of our guests have taken the bars with them when they leave (this is a little odd, however it shows how fabulous the personalized soap is).
We, at Party Cat, believe that personalized soap is the perfect gift for anyone. Next time you are wondering what to get the hostess that has everything, the bride that will see her new monogram for the first time, your grandmother that tells you not to get her anything, the boss you don't know what to get, the best friend that needs a special gift, the teacher that you want to make feel special or you... just because you deserve it... think personalized soap. It really is the perfect gift.

Personalized Soap
We, at Party Cat, believe that personalized soap is the perfect gift for anyone. Next time you are wondering what to get the hostess that has everything, the bride that will see her new monogram for the first time, your grandmother that tells you not to get her anything, the boss you don't know what to get, the best friend that needs a special gift, the teacher that you want to make feel special or you... just because you deserve it... think personalized soap. It really is the perfect gift.